Our Events - 2021
With a wide range of events such as workshops, conferences or evenings of professional connections, our goal is simple: to create a bridge between the professional world and the students of the master in finance at HEC Lausanne.
Pictet Group
Thematic Investment Workshop
On April 29, we had the pleasure of organizing a workshop with Pictet on the subject of thematic investment.
We would like to thank our guests and speakers Hans-Peter Portner, Equity Partner & Head of Thematic Equities, Mayssa Al Midani, Senior Portfolio Manager in the Nutrition fund, Alice de Lamaze, Senior Portfolio Manager in the Human fund, Louis Veilleux, Senior Portfolio Manager in the Water fund and Carni Manoukian, HR Business Partner.
Many thanks also to Liza Friart, Graduate Program Manager, for her precious help. Last but not least, we would like to thank Florian Vogt, Aya Amine, active members of the AEMF, and Alessandro Loury, president of the association, for making this event possible.
Credit Suisse Workshop
on Corporate Finance
On November 3rd, we had the pleasure of organising a workshop with Credit Suisse on the subject of Corporate Finance. 📊📈
We would like to thank our guests and speakers Christian Steinmann, Region Head of Suisse Romande, Eric Balmer, Team Head Swiss Multinational Groups, Aylin Keles, Career Start in Corporate Banking, Marco Baldoni, Succession Planning Suisse Romande, and Sibylle Himbert, Senior Relationship Manager Entrepreneurs Executives Vaud.
Many thanks also to Orphée Chateau, Campus Relations, for her precious help.Last but not least, we would like to thank Alessandro Loury, president of the AEMF, Aya Hamine, and Paul-Andrei Luca, active members of the association, for making this event possible.
Global Gate
Portfolio Management Conference
On November 24th, we had the great pleasure to organise a conference with Global Gate and Robins Advising on the subject of Portfolio Management and Family Offices. 📊🏛
We would like to thanks our guests and speakers Marc Posso, CAIA, Portfolio Manager from Global Gate in Geneva, and Gregg Robins, the Founder of Robins Advising, who works closely with Global Gate.
Last but not least, we would like to thank Giovanni Morra, Treasurer of the AEMF, for leading the organisation of this event, and Alessandro Loury, President of the association, Anna Carnino, Giacomo Baggio, Alberto Cenedese, and Firat Pektas, active members of the association, for making this event possible.