Our Aim
All students will eventually enter the business world soon or later, however, most of the time, such a transition seems to be delicate and must be prepared in advance. It is indeed true that many students have hard time understanding what to expect from that world, which often turns out to be very different from what they learned at the university.
The main objective of this association is to create proximity between companies and students in order to have a better understanding of the respective expectations. Such a link will, therefore, on the one hand, enable companies, to meet their future potential employees, get to be known among students and understand how this Master trains them. On the other hand, we, as future employees, will develop a better idea of what the business of each firm consists in.
We believe that having such kinds of collaborations will significantly help students in developing a clearer idea of their interests and therefore, in making a more conscious and responsible choice of their future career pattern.
About the Master of Science in Finance
The Master of Science in Finance (MScF) of HEC Lausanne is worldwide known and reputed for its excellent level, notably according to the Financial Times ranking (28th worldwide ranked in 2022), and the wide range of different nationalities represented (51% of international students from more than 20 countries).
The Master is also recognized by very prestigious institutions such as the CFA, CAIA or GARP and it keeps managing to evolve through time in order to give its students the best tools for professional life. This is the reason why the MScF has been reorganized to allow an even better match between the 250 students’ interests and the demand from the industry. Hence, the new three different tracks proposed to students are:
As students, choosing one of these different orientations allows us to get better, more accurate and specific knowledge. The acquired skills have been regularly shown by performing considerably well in the CFA Institute Research Challenge (world champion in 2018).